Sunday, April 26, 2009

Trumpet project questions? Help before friday! Urgent!?

Me and my 2 friends have a music project on trumpets due friday. We have almost everything covered but we need to play trumpet music and different styles. Like classical, jazz and i dont know what other trumpet styles there are! Please if you know, tell me and even better if you have a song too please tell so i can get it. As well we want or proj to stand out so we want some idea where we can make it pop! like we already drew a huge yellow trumpet and we put glitter around it so its like bam! and we need more ideas to make the teacher smile during our presentation. Please help guys, thanks :)

Trumpet project questions? Help before friday! Urgent!?
sorry its too late.


there is blues, swing, march etc.

and you could have like gotten concerto for trumpet by haydn... you couldve gotten a recording of someone playing it. or the most common... a trumpeters lullaby... idk who its by.

sorry i didnt see this earlier.


but both good solos. i've played them both.

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