Saturday, November 14, 2009

Trumpet or Trombone?

I already play alto saxophone, I've played tenor sax before.. Well I'm pretty decent at alto sax, first chair, etc.

I decided I wanna play a brass instrument and I've narrowed it down to trumpet or trombone so what do you guys reccomend?

Trumpet or Trombone?
None. If you plan on playing saxophone in college, stick with it and put all your energy into that instrument. While it is fun to learn new instruments, if you plan on being a musician, it is the best idea to focus on one instead of spending only part of your energy on it. I play over 10 instruments, and because of that, I am weaker on the saxophone than I should have been because I spread my self too thin. After all, if you have 100% of your energy to devote to an instrument, and play three of them, they are only going to get about 33% of your energy each.
Reply:Trombone! I've been playing it for 5 years. Not only is it a funky fun instrument, less people play it, making the chances of getting a scholorship better. It is a little difficult since you have to get to know where all the positions are.

I really do recommend that you learn!
Reply:Trumpet is much better and easier
Reply:rusty trombone

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