Saturday, November 14, 2009

Trumpet Valve Casing?

i am not sure what is wrong with my trumpet but there might be something wrong with the valve casing. is it possible to replace valve casings. and if so what is the normal cost of this

Trumpet Valve Casing?
Oh boy.... Your asking a whopper of a question. If you are looking at having to replace valve casings you probably need a new horn. BUT it is possible to repair the casing in some if that is the problem. What is the specific problem? Sometimes it is something simple that causes serious malfunctions. I repair band instruments and may be able to help.

Reply:yes, it is possible to replace valve casings but it is not easy. if i were you i would deffinately look into just buying a new trumpet. most of the time one problem will lead to another. you ought to get a bach strat. they are awesome trumpets that will hold up forever. i know that this trumpet you have now means alot to you, but by the sounds of it you might need a new one.

Crooked Teeth

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