Thursday, November 12, 2009

Beginner Trumpet Player?

Hmm...where to start...anyways, i've been playing the clarinet for who knows how long...I always wanted to try a different insturment and my brother has a trumpet he doesnt play anymore and I (yesterday) got it from the attic. Im like..OH! I want to play it! So I took it in my room and started playing....We have a book he used and I was following it. I learned the Bb scale, but i am REALLY bad at it....

I have a few questions..

1) How do I hold a trumpet (i have an idea, just not the exact position)

2) I need a more efficient way of playing the higher notes that are the same positions as lower notes

3) Does it get easier as you go along.

I might find these out tomorrow because my mom signed me up for lessons. But..please if you could, give me the answers to this question! Thanks

Beginner Trumpet Player?

That is the right way to hold it. Always aim the horn straight ot tilted up. If you aim it down, the sound will go down. lol.

2)It's all in the lip tightening. High notes require a tighter lip positioning than lower notes

3)lol, yes.

Good luck, hope to see you rockin out the trumpet on tv!

Oh, and the C scale is the easiest to learn
Reply:There should be various palces fo to put your fingers. Its hard to explain but thier are usally rings or somthing. To play higher notes. put more pressue on the air thats coming out. basically close your lips tight and blow hard. Yes it does get easier. It just comes to you after a bit.
Reply:1) right hand: Thumb in between valves one and two, Pointer finger in first valve, middle finger on second valve, ring finger on third valve, pinky there should be a hook by the valves to put it in.

Left hand: Thumb wrapped around first valve, pointer finger wrapped around third valve, middle finger in ring, ring finger and pinky resting against ring on the outside.

2)You just have to learn to tighten and loosen your lips, it takes a while to build up to higher notes, it took me a year and a half or so to be able to do a nine step concert b flat scale.

3)Oh, heavens yes, but it's harder than people make it out to be, just because it only has three valves does not make it easy.

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