Thursday, November 12, 2009

Trumpet to trombone?

I have been playing trumpet since october and am wondering how easy it would be to switch to trombone. I have school band class every day so I would not have much time to get caught up.

Trumpet to trombone?
It would be hard if you wanted to learn real trombone - slide trom is generally one of the harder instruments. If you wanted to cheat and learn valve then it wouldn't be that hard. Going down to a trombone mouthpiece from trumpet is pretty easy and you'll find that you have a pretty decent range (probably not a very good sound though). To learn slide it'll probably take you just as long as anyone, then you gotta learn to soft tongue so you're not glissing everything and on top of everything there's your intonation - a trombone player should never be out of tune. Unless you have good ears don't bother.
Reply:I imagine it wouldn't be that hard. the mouth piece is bigger, so it would be easy to get used to. But if I recommend a valve trombone if available....

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