Thursday, November 12, 2009

Playing trumpet for a month and a week, need some advice!!!!?

ive been playin the trumpet now for a month about a week or i can play almost the whole staff, but thats about it, nothing higher, but i can play the lower notes, f sharp... idont really think that matters though, its better to play in the higher register right ?? well i am just wonderin if that is ok for a beginner or should i start workin harder, i want to be in school concert band for my second semester possibly, and that would be in about 5 or 6 months... do u think i can improve? also, i am plannin on playin until senior yr if i get better and get into the band and i keep rentin my trumpet, id like to know what a good range for a good trumpet player/senior in high school typically is.. also i have a ytr 2335 if any1 knows about trumpets and a 11b4 mouthpiece, its a model 4 beginners mainly do u think it effects my ability to reach a higher register or it doesnt matter? thanks %26lt;3

Playing trumpet for a month and a week, need some advice!!!!?
all the notes within the staff is a great range for your first month. you don't want to press yourself too hard, because you can injure the delicate lip muscles.

playing the lower notes is very important. it can actually improve your upper register. like a suspension bridge, what's below must equal what's above.

as far as how much to practice - if it starts to hurt, you should stop for the day. and i tell my students to take at least one day off a week. i like to practice for 15 min, and rest for 5-10, then play another 15, then rest, etc. it helps increase endurance.

you'll definitely be able to make the concert band w/ that range you already have. right now i would recommend NOT focusing on your range anymore. that comes with time, even if you're not working on it. the most important things to work on now are tone (is your sound full and pretty, thin and weak, or loud and flabby?) and technique. play scales and exercises (try Arban's "complete conservatory method for trumpet", the trumpet Bible) and practice some sight-reading every day.

a high school senior playing first trumpet should be able to hit B or C above the staff, but again, don't worry about that yet.

i'm not familiar with your brand of trumpet, but if you're a beginner, you need a beginner horn. the trumpet doesn't affect your sound as much as your skill. after a few years you could look into upgrading, but don't worry about it right now. as long as it is in good condition, its fine. if you are planning on staying w/ the trumpet, it would be a better investment to buy it, rather than renting, though.

to wrap this long thing up, focus less on range and more on accuracy and good sound. range is something that develops over time, like learning to be a long distance runner. you don't expect to run 15 miles after a week. if you're this serious about playing trumpet, you should look into taking private lessons. there are lots of good players (including myself) available for teaching. if money is an issue, contact the music department at your local university and ask if any upperclassmen give lessons.

lastly, remember, its called "playing" for a reason. if it's not fun, it's not music. keep it fun!

hope this helps, and good luck!!
Reply:that is very good!!

I've been playing for 2 years and couldn't get that high for 2 months. it takes practice i practiced and got a regional scholarship. Report It

cotton tree

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